Category Archives: Digital Strategy

Summer Institute for Teaching Peace

summer institute teaching peace news icon_0This week I have the privilege of attending and presenting at Notre Dame’s Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies’ Summer Institute for Teaching Peace in the 21st Century. This institute brings together college and university educators from various disciplines to Notre Dame for the week to learn about, strategize, develop a plan for how to create or enhance peace studies programs at their schools. This year’s institute brings together educators from several African universities as well, from Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya, and Ethiopia.

On Thursday, I will be facilitating two sessions that introduce the participants to USIP’s catalog of online courses and to help them think of ways to integrate these courses into their budding programs.

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Online Civil Resistance Course Launches

After about a year of development, USIP has released a self-study, online version of the course, Civil Resistance and the Dynamics of Nonviolent Conflict. I started working on this course with my colleagues at USIP and ICNC in 2012. Having recently joined USIP, full-time, I am very pleased that this was one of the first self-study onlie course USIP released. I look forward to seeing how learners engage with the course, what kind of impact it will have, and how we will continue to refine it and make it even better in the months and years to come.

Peace Education at AU Interview Series

This above interview with Barbara Wien is one of the many interviews I conducted over the course of the Spring 2013 semester at AU speaking with professors about the work they do, the courses they teach and how they relate to various elements of peace education. I had the pleasure of working with Katie Kassof, an AU staff member and former student from my 2012 peace pedagogy course, to do the actual filming. Katie filmed the actual interviews and I devised specific sets of questions for each interviewee, scheduled times with each of them in the studio, conducted the actual interviews, edited them into a series of shorter movies, and uploaded them my personal YouTube channel.  Click here to see a playlist of all the videos edited to date.

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2013 AU Social Learning Summit


This past Friday I was a panelist for the “Faculty Face Off” session at American University’s Social Learning Summit – a 2.5 day conference organized by AU’s Social Media Club that looks at the current and emerging role, trends, and a techniques of using social media tools in learning and education. I was joined by moderator Meghan Foster, and panelists Scott Talan, Jim Quirk, and Stef Woods. In the spirit of the summit, my reflection on the experience will be organized by tweets that members of the audience shared during the discussion.

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Fletcher Summer Institute Promotional Video

Every year at ICNC we try and find new and better ways to advertise and promote our various educational programs and initiatives. This year I took on a project to create this promotional video about our annual Fletcher Summer Institute. I used photos from past FSIs and excerpts from a variety of interviews I helped conduct for another video project on which I am working. I found the background music using and I used iMovie to edit everything together. After posting it online, I utilized some of YouTube’s video embed link functions that allow viewers to click on the video and link out to other web pages such as the FSI application page and footage from previous FSIs. My goal was to keep the video short, inspirational and a way for viewers to directly access materials to apply and learn more. Lastly, the video was shared on the website, Waging Nonviolence, along with a blog posting I wrote about my experiences at FSI.

Ann Ferren Teaching Conference



This past weekend I attended and presented at the Ann Ferren Teaching Conference, which is a yearly conference held every January at American University.  The last time I attended this conference was in 2010 and had gotten a lot out of it.  This year I was invited to be a co-presenter for one of the sessions, “Finding Your First Flip: Getting Started with the Flipped Classroom Model.  My co-presenters for this session were Maya Marato and Meghan Foster.  The Goal for this session is to engage faculty in the process of “flipping” their lectures by helping them identify and evaluate topics and activities that are easily adapted to the flipped classroom model.

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Baltimore Educational Equity Summit

This past Saturday I attended and presented at the Baltimore Educational Equity Summit, which was organized by Teach for America.  The session of which I was a part was titled, “Using Social Media as a Vehicle for Change,” and looked at various strategies and tools organizations and movements have used to leverage the power of social media and digital tools to advance their causes and missions.

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UPenn Gamification Course on Coursera

I just completed a six week online course on gamification offered by the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business.  The course was hosted and delivered using the online learning platform, Coursera.  I took this course for two main reasons. The first is that I am very interested in gamificiation, particularly as it relates to education and learning. The second is that I am also very interested in online learning and the various platforms that are popping up to provide such a learning experience (for free much of the time).

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2012 Fletcher Summer Institute

From June 24th to June 30th, ICNC in partnership with the Fletcher School for Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, hosted the 7th annual Fletcher Summer Institute for the Advanced Study of Nonviolent Conflict. As usual, myself, my ICNC colleagues, along with Fletcher faculty and staff worked tirelessly for months to bring 42 participants from all over the world to participate in this intensive week-long institute. Check out this blog posting I wrote for the Fletcher Features blog to get an overview of some of the highlights from the week. Personally, one of my highlights was meeting many of the amazing participants who attended this year.  However, I did not get to know them as well as I would have liked due to the various aspects of the week for which I responsible.

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ICNC/Rutgers University Online Course

From April 23rd to June 5th, ICNC partnered with Rutgers University to deliver a 6 week online course on civil resistance and the dynamics of nonviolent conflict. I was the primary designer of the course, having structured it off a similar layout I used for the online course ICNC did with USIP the previous year.  I was also a co-facilitator of the course with my colleague Maciej Bartkowski. There were 22 participants in the course from all over the world.  The partnership was encouraged and supported by one of ICNC’s academic advisors, Dr. Kurt Shock, who is an Associate Professor of Sociology and Global Affairs.

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